K-netizens hope Jennie will dye her hair for this comeback

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Jennie, you’re going to dye your hair this comeback, right?

Jennie’s brown hair is really pretty…

[+44, -14]

1. [+15, -4] I love this hair so much ㅠㅠ


2. [+12, -4] I really like Jennie with orange hair… It’s a shame that the comeback was postponed at that time and there wasn’t even a stage with orange hair

3. [+7, -3] I like this hair tooㅋㅋ

4. [+7, -3] I heard she doesn’t dye her hair because her hair is too damaged but I want to meet idol Kim Jennie ㅜ

5. [+6, -2] Her orange hair was a big hit back then… I can’t believe there wasn’t a stage with orange hair. If only YG’s plan hadn’t been postponed… ㄷㄷ

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