Hani agrees to attend parliamentary audit on workplace bullying

 Article: Hani decides to attend parliamentary audit on Hybe bullying “for New Jeans and our fans”

Source: X Sports News via Nate

[+213, -96] Wow, amazing… unlike Hybe who’s been trying to avoid responsibility for this whole mess while lying to get out of the audit. Hani has nothing to be embarrassed about so she’s going confidently and proudly! Hani’s so much better than these so-called adults. The first idol to attend a parliamentary, audit, no?? So cool!!

[+162, -50] New Jeans, find strength!!!

[+129, -36] I hope we get an answer to Kim Joo Young CEO’s lack of response to the companywide bullying going on

[+126, -43] Hani, we support you

[+104, -40] Find strength, New Jeans

Source: Insight via Instagram

[+398] These damned adults… sigh…

[+70] I hope she wins..

[+33] I’ve been watching the New Jeans scandal with deep interest, and I send my support to Hani’s brave decision!

[+15] We support Hani’s decision

[+49] If Hybe really had nothing to hide, then this audit would be a great opportunity for someone from their side to also attend and clear their side of the story ㅋㅋ

[+33] Hybe’s probably so scared to know what she’ll end up exposing them of

[+15] Hani fighting

[+27] Min CEO’s going to win this, I’ll just be waiting for their next album over here 🙏🙏🙏

[+51] She really is so damn cool for this

[+62] The new CEO has already been found to be ignoring the bullying going on and actually even conspiring to erase evidence of it

[+28] Protect Hani!