On December 18, fashion magazine Vogue Korea shared a post on its official social media channels, announcing a beautiful New Year’s celebration with the members of NewJeans. The post read, “The five girls reunited for the New Year. Minji, Hanni, Danielle, Haerin, and Hyein, all dressed up in hanbok, welcome the first month of 2025 with Vogue Korea.”
The post featured stunning photos of the five NewJeans members, each posing gracefully in soft, light-colored hanbok, traditional Korean clothing. What made these photos particularly special was that instead of the group name, NewJeans, the members’ individual names, Minji, Hanni, Danielle, Haerin, and Hyein were highlighted.
Adding to the excitement, Min Hee-jin, who recently resigned from her position as executive director at ADOR following some disagreements with HYBE, played a key role as the special creative director for the photoshoot. Her involvement attracted significant attention, given her well-known contributions to the group’s success and her new role as a guiding force behind the photoshoot’s creative direction.
In addition to the post on Vogue Korea’s official social media, the photoshoot was also shared on the newly created social media accounts managed by NewJeans themselves, @jeanzforfree.
The post NewJeans Graces Vogue Korea Magazine Cover in Hanbok, Directed by Min Hee-jin, Featuring Members’ Names Instead of Group Name appeared first on KBIZoOm. KBIZoOm – Breaking news about K-pop, K-drama, Anime/Manga and worldwide entertainment KBIZoOm – Breaking news about K-pop, K-drama, Anime/Manga and worldwide entertainment