Disney original’s ‘Polaris’
The story follows Moon Ju (played by Jun Jihyun), a diplomat and former ambassador to the U.S. who has gained international fame, as she teams up with Sanho (played by Kang Dongwon), a special agent of unknown nationality, to uncover the truth behind a massive incident.
Scheduled for release in 2025 (exact date to be determined, expected in the second half of the year).
전지현 × 강동원 첩보멜로가 온다…. 디즈니 플러스 <북극성> pic.twitter.com/XFbNjY0WSg
— (@Happyending012) January 7, 2025
original post: here
1. Hul John Cho?????
2. Why is John Cho here?
3. It already looks so funㅠㅠ
4. Wow.. I have to watch this
5. Wow……………….. yahㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
6. Is this taken place in North Korea?
7. Even if this turns out to be boring, I have to watch it…… Their visuals feel like a photoshoot…
8. I feel like it’s taken place in the late 80’s
9. Jun Jihyun is freaking pretty
10. I’m a bit worried about Kang Dongwon’s acting but..