A Celebrity Who Quit Samsung Electronics to Become a Comedian

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While he is now a well-known entertainer, he has a surprising past that many may not expect.

The Reason His Mother Cried

While attending a technical high school majoring in electronics, Jung Hyung-don secured a job at Samsung Electronics, one of Korea’s top companies. However, seeing his seniors at work, he realized that their lives didn’t align with the future he had envisioned for himself.

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Determined to follow his own path, Jung Hyung-don decided to quit. However, when he mentioned his plans to his seniors, they dismissed his ambitions, “Not just anyone can become a comedian.” Hearing this only strengthened his resolve to achieve his dream.

Although he still vividly remembers the sense of relief he felt after resigning from Samsung after 6 years and 6 months, he confessed that he couldn’t muster the courage to tell his parents, who were so proud of his job at the major company.

Later, his mother, who worked at an orchard, fell from a height and injured her head. During a hospital visit, the family received shocking news.

At the time, his parents’ health insurance was under Jung Hyung-don’s name. While reviewing the insurance, the doctor mentioned, “It seems your son is no longer working at his company, so you should check.

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Jung Hyung-don still vividly remembers his mother asking, “Did you quit your job?” He admitted that he was no longer at Samsung and was instead pursuing his dream of becoming a comedian while working at a theater company in Daehakro.

He recalled, “I remember my mother bursting into tears when she heard the news. She sobbed uncontrollably and I didn’t hear any kind words from her.

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At 24 years old, Jung Hyung-don wasn’t afraid because he had a dream. Instead, he felt excited as he believed he was getting closer to achieving it. He worked odd jobs, such as cleaning and touting, while watching performances every day. He finally achieved his dream by debuting in 2002.

Netizens responded with various reactions: “Quitting was definitely the right choice“, “I wonder how shocked his former colleagues must have been to see him on TV” and “It took a lot of courage to quit.

Source: Daum