A poll on Twitter with responses split 50:50

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Which situation is better? 

1. Being happy today but having no idea what tomorrow will bring 

2. Feeling sad today but knowing tomorrow’s happiness is guaranteed

I pick 1.

Isn’t it possible to be happy tomorrow too?

-1. If you’re sad today, the happiness of tomorrow compared to today’s sadness won’t feel that great.

-2. Having the hope of guaranteed happiness gives me the strength to endure today’s sadness.

-1111. It’s better to be happy now.

-2. Uncertainty is harder to deal with.

-222. Sadness is my default state.

-2. The future must be good, no matter what.

-I used to think 1, but now I feel like it’s 2.

-2. Knowing tomorrow will be happy would give me strength to endure today.

-1. I want to be happy today and tomorrow too.

-1111. How can happiness be guaranteed?

-111. If tomorrow is happy, that’s all that mattersㅋㅋ

-2. Sadness is my friend.

-Thinking from today’s perspective, 2 seems a bit happier.

-2. It’s better to be free of anxiety.

-2. Time will pass, and with certain hope for tomorrow, I can endure anything.