Jo Yoon-hee, who made her debut in the 2002 sitcom “Orange,” garnered public love through her roles in dramas such as “Hot Blood” (2009), “Lie to Me,” (2012), and “The Producers .”
Jo Yoon-hee, who found a connection with Lee Dong-gun through the KBS 2TV drama “The Gentlemen of Wolgyesu Tailor Shop”, married him after dating and had a daughter named Roa. However, they divorced amicably after three years of marriage in 2020, with Jo Yoon-hee gaining custody of their daughter.
Recently, Jo Yoon-hee has been sharing her daily life through the program “Now I’m Alone.”
During high school, Jo Yoon-hee was discovered by an agency manager on the street and cast as a magazine model. In 1999, she officially began her entertainment career after appearing in Lee Soo-young’s music video “I Believe.”
Jo Yoon-hee, who rapidly rose as a blue chip through music videos, CFs, and sitcoms, captivated hearts with her stunning beauty.
She gained recognition for her role as Bang Yi-sook in “Wang’s Family” and enjoyed a second peak of success in 2016 with the hits “Lucky” and the KBS 2TV drama “The Gentlemen of Wolgyesu Tailor Shop,” expanding her career into MCing, radio DJing, and more.
Jo Yoon-hee has a special affection for her pets. She has raised a total of eight dogs, including six rescued strays, and even appeared on the show ‘Animal Farm.’ When Jo Yoon-hee made her appearJung, Jung Seon-hee commented, “It’s my first time seeing Jo Yoon-hee in person, and it’s frustrating,” expressing admiration for her beauty. She went on to say, “Her nose is just like mine. How can it be so perfect?” and joked, “I want to live as Jo Yoon-hee in my next life,” which brought laughter.
Meanwhile, Jo Yoon-hee is also known for her exceptional philanthropy, participating in the UNICEF child relief campaign among other charitable actions.
Source: daum