Cha Eunwoo serves ‘Korean James Dean’ at the airport

Article: Cha Eunwoo’s crazy visuals “Korean James Dean”

Source: Dispatch via Nate

[+204, -11] He should be required to have, at minimum, 10 babies

[+63, -6] He seems to be getting cooler with age

[+38, -0] Crazy looks indeed… wow, what I’d give to be able to live life with that face just one time~~~

[+15, -11] All I ever hear about this guy is praise for his face

[+6, -3] Honestly, I would give him Korea’s #1 best face title

[+4, -0] Did he really just have to have it all! ㅋㅋㅋ He really is exceptional, though

[+4, -0] Wow~ what a work of art

[+4, -0] I’m a man myself but his visuals just make me laugh in disbelief…

[+3, -2] He would’ve been insane if a face like that could also act well, what a shame… but he’s still young so maybe there’s still time to improve, just like how Kim Min Hee got crap for her bad acting in the beginning but is completely changed now

[+2, -0] These are just reporter pictures but they look like a photoshoot…

[+2, -0] Visuals you can’t help but click on ㅋㅋ just saw the thumbnail and immediately clicked. It’s honestly hard to even believe he can be this handsome.

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