I’m 38…..
the MZ generation look at me weird when I wear them from time to time
I’m definitely not in my 20’s anymore so I don’t dare to wear them anymoreㅠ
post response:
1. [+85, -9]
The issue isn’t age, it’s the body
2. [+68, -1]
In foreign countries, people wear what they feel comfortable with regardless of age. It’s actually considered rude to criticize someone for their clothing choices. For example, if someone with a bigger figure wears leggings, or if someone wears a scarf even though it doesn’t seem cold, criticizing them for that is seen as inappropriate.
3. [+44, -7]
Age doesn’t matter, the clothes should match you in the first place… but if you care so much about what others think, why would you wear something like that?ㅋㅋㅋ
4. [+30, -26]
Nowadays, even the MZ generation don’t wear mini skirts anymore so…. aren’t they more into wide pants that are comfortable?
5. [+24, -86]
If your face is all wrinkly and you wear mini skirts, then it’s a bit..