The foreign akgaes were saying how her dancing was too excessive before so ever since then, she started to dance so weakly like thisㅠㅠ please, we liked her excessive dancing so please go back

Even the international fans, who usually only say positive things, are now indirectly supporting Ahyeon in the comments, telling her to stay strong

post response:
original post: here
1. [+103, -13]
I didn’t think of anything when I watched the video though. She’s way better now
2. [+84, -9]
3. [+75, -8]
Ahyeon must be f*cking dumbfounded. People make a fuss when she’s working hard and make a fuss again when she’s responding to feedback
4. [+53, -3]
Seems like she changed her dancing style because people made a fuss about her being too over the top unti a few months ago. But saying this might stress out Ahyeon too;; It’s not bad now that she changed it so who cares
5. [+52, -8]
For real, I’m disappointed at how much less powerful she is now… I just hope she danced like before…ㅠ It’s not as satisfying to watch now that Ahyeon’s unique dance lines are gone…

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