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High school student charged for creating and distributing DF materials targeting two teachers.”

The Namdong Police Station in Incheon is investigating a high school male student on charges of creating and distributing DF materials using photos of teachers from his own school and spreading them in a Telegram group. The police received complaints from the two affected teachers at the end of last month and began an investigation, identifying the student as a suspect. The police stated, “We believe the materials were distributed within Telegram,” and added, “We are currently investigating the details of the crime through digital forensics.”

1. Finally…! This is only the start, get punished and scolded so that hopefully you can wake up 

2. Let’s catch them all 

3. Let’s go 

4. Let’s grab them all 

5. Let’s catch them all and give them the d**th penalty

6. Expulse him, and prevent him from ever enrolling in niversities

7. Reveal all of their personal information 

8. Send him to jail and expulse him 

9. A teacher…? This is the end of times

10. Let’s catch them all 

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