“Hello, this is the wreaths mass action account calling for Suga’s withdrawal from BTS. We are aware that other fandoms are currently suffering damage due to the spread of false information by Suga supporters. Currently circulating rumors about ordinary men who are staff for the wreath company are being spread as if they are key figures in the flower stand campaign. Please stop spreading these rumors that target other fandoms. Uploading of photos of ordinary people’s faces is also strictly prohibited, and we ask that anyone who has witnessed the incident report the post on Twitter. We would like to apologize to those who were harmed. We are sorry. We are revealing part of the popular article service contract.”

(Flower wreaths contract requesting someone to look after the wreaths)

“You and your “Bunnies” ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Do you feel good spreading lies? Nobody believes you aside from the ones who have lost their minds. Yoongi also knows everything. Seriously the real fans are the ones who want him out ㅋㅋ  What are you gonna do? Yoongi should be the nervous one”
“Ah.. in the end, the b*tches who were shouting “OT6″ were NJ fans = Gae-jussis??? Was this the reason you were shouting like that? So from now on, anyone who tells our kid to leave will be treated as another group’s fan. Anyone who behaves negatively will be considered another group’s fan.”
(t/n: comment is sarcastic) 

“No but why would NewJeans fans come hold a protest for us? Why? Are you dumb?
Ah and they’re supposedly working in concert with NCT fans?”

“You guys are NJ fans? Go protect your own singers instead, why are you creating a mess towards your master(?) As expected, you and NCT fans are on the same side. Please leave BTS out of your bad actions”
original post: here
1. They need to stop uploading photos of commoners so easily all the time ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
2. Seriously they make it so hard for people to prove they’re actually BTS fans ㅋㅋㅋ I support this 
3. Ah they’re honestly so weird… 
4. The fact that these weird HYBE fans are blaming Bunnies on everything is freaking disgusting 
5. I honestly hope the Korean fans can sue them ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Who are they to just show commoners’ faces like that?
6. This is honestly so low 
7. It’s been over a year these people are acting like that towards NewJeans but just why? The issues are within their own households, please fight among yourselves
8. Are they blaming NewJeans because the security wore blue? They’re even weirder than I thought 
9. They’re insane for not only releasing photos of commoners’ faces, but also dragging other fandoms in this 
10. But what does NCT have to do with all this?