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They view Nam Joohyuk as some f*cking good actor while Cha Eunwoo is known for being bad at acting. What’s the difference between them?

1. Even for Korea, Nam Joohyuk doesn’t really have that “bad actor” image though

2. There’s some language barrier so that might be why. But didn’t Nam Joohyuk’s acting improve a lot?

3. Foreigners think that BP Jisoo is super good at acting too… but isn’t Nam Joohyuk’s acting rather good??? I found his acting good in The Light in Your Eyes

4. They can tell but I wouldn’t say that he’s considered “f*cking good”

5. Isn’t Nam Joohyuk’s acting on the better side?

6. I also can tell from Japanese or Chinese dramas if someone is really good at acting but I can’t really tell if they’re badã…œ since I don’t understand the language

7. Acting isn’t just about gestures and expressions though. There’s also voice projection and pronunciation. We judge someone’s acting ability harshly if their voice or pronunciation is off, but do you think it’s harder for foreigners to tell? Do you ever feel like you can pick up on bad acting in American or Chinese dramas?

8. For foreigners, as long as your expressions are good, you’re considered good. They read subtitles so they don’t really pay attention to the delivery

9. But I also can’t tell if foreign actors are bad at acting…

10. I also used to think that Bella’s acting in Twilight was good so..

> Hul is Bella not good?? She’s bad??

>> During Twilight, Kristen Stewart was known for her bad acting