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Honestly, even a month from now, it doesn’t seem like I will see a dramatic change

Everyone around me is saying I should just go and enjoy it, but I’m worried that I might end up feeling even more down if I go. I’m concerned that I won’t be able to enjoy it because I’ll be mentally struggling. 

Right now, I’m not in a good state to even work on myself, and my self-esteem has dropped a lot, so I’m wondering if I’ll be able to enjoy the concert…ă… ă… ă… 

Since it will cost around 300,000 to 400,000 won (~$250-$300), I’m worried that I might just be making things harder for myself. 

There will be more opportunities to see concerts, so maybe I should just aim for next year and not go this year…?ă… 

Also, seeing fans criticize overweight people on Twitter makes me feel like I can’t go confidently.

1. One of the most profound realizations I’ve had in life is that people are less concerned about others than we often think. If you’re paying that much attention to it yourself, it seems like the concert that should be making you happy might not end up being a good memory. And it’s not just about the concert; if you carry this mindset into everything you do, it’s going to cause you a lot of distress. I feel bad for you

2. If you’re worried that your bias might see you, you really don’t need to be concerned. The concert venue is dark, and because of the light sticks, fans’ faces aren’t visible. And regardless of appearance, every fan is valuable! If that’s not the case, I’m sorry.ă… ă… 

3. Unless you’re invading someone’s personal space, you shouldn’t worry about it. The ones who are criticizing overweight people are probably just people with issues themselves. Don’t let it bother you; just go. Or, if you’re really concerned, you could just try your best to lose as much weight as you can before the concert

4. I also recommend you to go 

5. I don’t see any connection between being overweight and the concert at all so why wouldn’t you go? Honestly, people are too busy focusing on their biases to notice who’s sitting next to them. I didn’t even know that my bias’ celebrities acquaintances were in the audience until they showed the special seats on camera, even though I was sitting close by. That’s how indifferent people are to those around them. If you do something that disrupts the concert experience, then you might stand out, but otherwise, everyone is pretty indifferent

6. I’m also chubbier so I used to be scared of going to concerts, but you really shouldn’t worry about what others think, just go 

7. Please don’t worry too much ă… ă… ă…  Everything will be fine 

8. Who cares… there are even people who cosplay who go there and nobody cares about them 

9. Me too I’m quite overweight and I’ve been so so many concerts, everyone is just excited to be there so nobody cares. Don’t worry and have fun!!

10. People care less than you think. It’s not like people go to concerts to look at who is in front of them, stop worrying and just goÂ