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Wait, wait, wait, isn’t this the worst? It was painful to watch. Especially since it’s a cake made with love by a friend. It’s unthinkable to play around with food in the first place, and yet an idol is posting it on social media as if it’s amusing… And posting this video doesn’t make me think, ‘Oh, what a nice personality! I’ve become a fan!’ So why did they post it????? This is the worst.

Situation Explanation:

– A brand sent a cake to The Boyz.

– The members poked and played around with the cake using their fingers and posted it on Instagram.

– A friend of the person who made the cake expressed displeasure and criticized them for it

– The criticism also touches on the culture of Korean idols dropping cakes and accuses Koreans of lacking ethics and dining etiquette

1. Why are they swearing at our kids all of a sudden? What does playing around a bit with a cake have to do with ethics? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ That’s just cream shaped like something, don’t tell me they treat it like a real animal? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ They already said thank you and they even said “itadakimasu” at the end ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Cakes are meant to be eaten, what’s wrong with playing a bit with it?

2. But if it was me… Destroying a cake that I gifted will definitely offend me a bit ㅎ

> It does make me wonder if it’s necessary to take a video and release it…

> I was shocked at the video..

3. I would never do something like this so I’m quite fascinated… Why do people do this….?

4. Oh….. Talking about dining etiquette might be a reach, but it also makes me wonder what was the point of posting this video. I don’t think they deserve hate, but it’s also not it 

5. Can someone explain what happened before and after?

6. Wow but there are so many QRTs and likes on that tweet

7. But it really sucks…. I hate people who play around with food 

8. Is that a cake gifted by a fan? Depending on who gave it, it changes the situation

> No no it’s from a brand, they said thank you and then played a game of forehead flick 

9. What is this made up controversy 

10. It’s the same vibe as people going around destroying snowmen