Korean netizens discuss how Aespa Winter was talked about so much after MMA - Netizens Buzz

Korean netizens discuss how Aespa Winter was talked about so much after MMA

Aespa Winter at MMA is mentioned a lot

There was a lot of talk about Winter at MMA this time, but she deserved it…

Out of all the Aespa performances I’ve seen so far, she has the best facial expressionsㅋㅋㅋ

[+151, -47]

1. [+91, -7] Her hair suited her so well at that time… She looked like a pretty prince

2. [+72, -8] Winter was born to be an idol!

3. [+62, -3] Even though I’m a fan of another company, when I watched the live broadcast, I couldn’t help but exclaim, “She’s so beautiful”

4. [+47, -5] I really like Winter’s unique killer smile

5. [+10, -4] Looks like a prince…

Original Post (1)

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