The duo of Kwon Eunbi and PENTAGON member Hui has gone viral for their chemistry during their recent stage at 2024 Waterbomb Festival Sokcho. They performed their new song, “Easy Dance”, which Hui has done at Waterbomb festivals before with backup dancers, but obviously getting the chance to have Eunbi there made it a special opportunity.
리듬 위에 몸을 맡길 시간!❤️ 워터밤 속초에서 펼쳐진 권은비와 후이의 스페셜 스테이지#WATERBOMB #WATERBOMB2024 #WATERBOMBSOKCHO #KWONEUNBI #HUI #워터밤 #워터밤2024 #워터밤속초 #권은비 #후이
— Waterbomb_Official (@waterbomb_seoul) August 17, 2024
Well, they made the most of the chance and made the pairing look awful good.
Trouble Maker 2.0 (this time with a good ending)!
Hopefully they’re both old enough with mature enough images that this won’t cause any meltdowns as it’s nice