On December 25, social media platforms and online communities began circulating a video showing Seungri at an exhibition abroad. In the footage, Seungri appears at a meeting, noticeably different from his previous slender appearance, with a rounder face and physique. The author wrote, “He said he makes more (money) than G-Dragon.“
Back in August, Seungri faced harsh criticism for reportedly being invited as a special guest to an event in Indonesia titled “Burning Sun Surabaya”. Amid backlash accusing him of showing no remorse, the event organizers, TSV Management, issued an apology via SNS on August 11 and abruptly canceled the event.
The organizers clarified, “We want to apologize for any misunderstanding caused. The poster we released did not mention bringing Seungri. The ‘Burning Sun Surabaya’ title was intended to promote safety at clubs and parties.”
Reports also surfaced of Seungri being frequently spotted at beaches in Bali, Indonesia. Allegedly, he and his group suggested to Korean tourists, “Come hang out at our place.”
Seungri, a central figure in the Burning Sun Scandal, was sentenced to 1 year and 6 months in prison for charges including habitual gambling, violating the Act on Special Cases Concerning the Punishment of Sexual Crimes (camera use for illegal filming), violating the Prostitution Punishment Act and embezzlement. He completed his sentence and was released in February last year.
Since his release, there have been multiple reports of Seungri engaging in questionable behavior. Allegations include inviting acquaintances to clubs, hosting extravagant parties and being seen with individuals such as Chinese actors restricted from activities due to drug-related convictions, further adding to the controversies surrounding him.
The post “Making More Money Than GD” Ex-BIGBANG Seungri, Unrecognizable Appearance with Weight Gain appeared first on KBIZoom. KBIZoom – Breaking news about K-pop, K-drama, Anime/Manga and worldwide entertainment KBIZoom – Breaking news about K-pop, K-drama, Anime/Manga and worldwide entertainment