Netflix [Siren: Survive the Island] star reveals to be battling with cancer



It seems that firefighter Jung Minsun, who appeared on Siren: Survive the Island (Firefighter Team), has started a difficult battle for her health.

If you have the time, please visit her Instagram and leave a warm message of support or a heart.

Instagram: @tyrannosaurus1014 

After receiving the diagnosis of cancer, I walked out and sat on a chair in front of the doctor’s office, thinking non-stop about what had brought me to this point, and why it had to be me. 

Life is a roulette. Just as someone wins the lottery, someone gets cancer. Something I thought had nothing to do with me, something I believed I’d never experience, became my reality. For a while, I laughed in disbelief. 

I once said I wanted to face a tough opponent, and now I really had to face one.

It’s been six months since the surgery, but I still suffer from severe side effects, often needing hospitalization and emergency room visits. Due to hypocalcemia, the muscles in my face and hands seize up and become paralyzed, and just like being hit by an electric shock, once my limbs cramp, they never fully relax, leaving me unable to sleep.

With my immune system weakened, I caught the flu, had gastroenteritis, and developed vertigo, my body collapsing like an undefended fortress day after day. Each time, I was left with countless injection marks and veins so sore I wished my arm would disappear altogether.

After returning from the hospital, my stomach was always upset from the countless pills. Every step I took felt heavy and sluggish. I was out of breath after just a little walking, and my weight kept increasing due to hormonal imbalances. No matter how much I walked or ran, my body was never the same, and I didn’t have a single day without feeling depressed.

Accepting these changes has not been easy. They say time heals, but I had so many medications that I didn’t even have the strength to endure time. It’s my body, but there’s nothing I can do, and that helplessness boiled over. 

The symptoms are starting to stretch out over longer intervals. It was unfortunate that I was suddenly diagnosed with cancer, but I realized that my recovery depends entirely on my will. Still, it hurts to know that my sick days far outnumber the rare good days, sometimes three or four times over, and it brings me to tears.

I am slowly regaining the ability to exercise without restrictions and to travel freely. I’m rediscovering things I once missed and overlooked. I no longer do what I don’t want to do.

Being healthy is an incredible stroke of luck. I hope that all the people who liked and supported me, as well as my friends, stay healthy and free from illness. I hope they live their lives smelling the good scents, seeing beautiful sights, and thinking healthy thoughts. If you are okay, then everything you see will be okay too.

If there’s something you’re about to lose, I hope you hold onto it. It’s never too late.

Get a health checkup! And have a warm autumn! 🍂 


-She’s really facing a tough opponent… Please beat that tough one, I’m cheering for her.

-Wishing her a speedy recovery…

-I really hope she will overcome this!!!

-Cheering for her!!!!!!

-I remember this person… Praying for a speedy recovery.

-I hope she will overcome this and recover quickly!

-Please get well soonㅠㅠ

-It’s tough, but it seems like she’s slowly recovering. Health is everything, but it’s not something we can control. Please get well soon. I’m cheering for her. I hope she gets to enjoy more sky and beautiful views.

-I hope she defeats that tough opponent. Please get well soonㅠㅠ

-I’m cheering for her. I’m sure she will get well really soon!!

-I hope she wins this fight with ‘tough opponent’ㅠㅠ Get well soonㅠㅠ

-Ah… I remember her… I hope she gets well soonㅠㅠ