P1Harmony’s Underwear Tossing Incident Revealed, “Tossed It outside The Bathroom While Showering”

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On the September 18th episode of “Weekly Idol,” airing at 6:20 PM on MBC M, P1Harmony will reveal their hidden variety show skills.

Right from the start, P1Harmony proves their impressive performance abilities through the “Random 2X Speed Dance Challenge.” Despite the fast beat of the 2X version of “Doom Du Doom,” they flawlessly execute precise footwork and intricate hand movements, showing their professionalism.

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During their performance of “SAD SONG,” although the fast-paced dance wears them out, leading to some screams, they effortlessly pull off difficult choreography, such as standing in a line with arms folded, delivering a show-stopping stage. This 2X speed dance performance of “SAD SONG” will be unveiled for the first time on “Weekly Idol.”

Additionally, P1Harmony reveals their witty charm in the segment “Short Talk! Who Am I?”, where they humorously expose each other’s habits. When asked what should be banned in the dorm, Soul drops a shocking story about underwear, revealing that one of the members tosses their underwear outside the bathroom while showering, surprising everyone. Soul even goes on to describe the shape of the underwear in detail, leaving the studio in shock. The full story of P1Harmony’s “underwear tossing incident” will be revealed in “Short Talk! Who Am I?”.

Other highlights include Soul’s “4D Fashion Collection” and Jiung giving Jongseob a “Flirting Masterclass.” P1Harmony’s quirky and fun charms will be on full display on “Weekly Idol,” airing at 6:20 PM on MBC M and midnight on MBC every1.

Source: Naver