Rosé’s album poster becomes a hot topic - Netizens Buzz

Rosé’s album poster becomes a hot topic

Rosé’s album poster ㄷㄷㄷㄷ

Title ‘Toxic till the end’

A full album containing a total of 12 songs, including APT. and Number One Girl.

The album will be released tomorrow, December 6th at midnight

[+35, -3]

1. [+14, -2] Seriously, Rosé’s taste is crazy

2. [+12, -2] Wow, what is that beautiful poster?? crazy

3. [+5, -1] I think Rosé has very good taste

4. [+5, -1] What is happening with this poster???? Seriously, I’ve never seen a poster this beautiful

5. [+4, -0] It looks like a movie posterㄷㄷ

Original Post (1)

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