Cat, a feminist activist from South Korea, is facing threats to her personal safety. Cat has been targeted on the PPKKa channel (a misogynistic YouTuber with 1.19 million male subscribers) for speaking out about Deepfake. Cat mentioned that she cannot delete or lock her account because she is set to lead a Digital Sexual Violence Tagging Campaign on Telegram this Sunday. Her personal information may be leaked, and her safety is at risk.
She pleads: “Please report that video (‘중고대학생’) on the PPKKa YouTube channel. Please report and remove his YouTube channel. Show solidarity so that Cat can stay safe. I sincerely urge your cooperation.”
“Wages for women are truly low. They are much lower than what you college students might imagine… You might not feel it just by looking at the annual salary, but the unreasonable wage system combined with the horrible practice of overtime work is undeniable. My friend, an otaku working in the entertainment industry, had to work overtime on the very day they signed their contract. In the entertainment industry, working overtime on weekends is a given if a superior demands it. It’s much better to find a place with good work-life balance, receive a stable salary, and use that money to pursue your hobbies😭.”
“Even in the K-pop industry, you can see the wage gap between men and women. South Korea ranks number one in gender wage disparity, with a staggering gap of 30%.”