THE BOYZ’s Eric somehow shares condoms instead of Pepero with fans for Pepero Day

In what I can only describe as truly amazing, THE BOYZ member Eric posted a handwritten letter to fans along with a box of what he thought was pepero for Pepero Day.

I could buy 4.03 million Pepero sticks for the Derbys I love.”

Unfortunately for him, that was very much not Pepero, and was instead special edition condoms by Barun Saenggak, called LOVE DAY 11.11.

Eventually, he realized his mistake, saying, “Happy Pepero Day! Honestly, I’m so embarrassed right now that I want to hide for a week. There were many Peperos [on the shelves] but since this one had “Dear” on it, it reminded me of The Boyz’s fan song Dear, and I thought it would be perfect if I wrote Dear. The B in the blank space~~! I thought about it before choosing it… I’m sorry if you were surprised”

Eric … thank you.

Crazy display.

It’s just funnier than even the mistake itself since it looks like he’s dedicating condoms to his fans.

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