Premiered on December 4, the first four episodes of “Light Shop”, penned by renowned writer Kang Full (Moving) and directed by Kim Hee-won, introduce a mysterious shop at the end of a dark alley, where strange customers with hidden secrets come and go. With a star-studded cast including Joo Ji-hoon, Park Bo-young, and Kim Seol-hyun, the series has sparked immense curiosity and comparisons to the global success of “Moving.”
In the opening episodes, “Light Shop” blends suspense, mystery, and supernatural elements. Ju Ji-hoon’s character, Won-young, leaves a strong impression as the enigmatic shop owner. Tension builds as characters like Yeong-ji (Park Bo-young) and Hyun-min (Uhm Tae-goo) become entangled in inexplicable events. The show’s eerie tone and surreal characters keep viewers captivated.
Fans were especially stunned by the shocking twist in Episode 4. A pivotal scene showcases Yeong-ji trapped in an elevator with a mysterious man, Seung-won (Park Hyuk-kwon), who begins to exude water from his body, creating an atmosphere of dread and intrigue.
Reactions from viewers have ranged from “Terrifying!” to “I couldn’t sleep after watching,” with many praising the adaptation of Kang Full’s original horror webtoon. Kang Full described the series as “a mix of horror, thriller, and romance” and emphasized its deeper emotional resonance compared to his previous work.
Currently, “Light Shop” has released its first four episodes and will unveil two episodes each Thursday, leading up to the finale of its 8-episode run on December 18. Fans are already hooked, sharing rave reviews about its unique mix of fear, suspense, and emotional depth.
Source: Wikitree