Hello, this is Everline. We would like to inform you about aespa – 1st full-length album [Armageddon] face-to-face fan signing event. (Application period: 2024.06.07~2024. 06. 09)
We would like to inform you that the previously scheduled face-to-face fan signing event will be replaced with a video call event due to an unavoidable schedule change by the artist.
We apologize for disappointing the winners who have been waiting for an in-person fan signing event for a long time, and we ask for your understanding regarding the change in event format.
1. Oh this sucks
2. That’s literally a scam
3. Give the same amount of time fans have in-person for the video call at least;;
4. What the? Can’t they just plan a new day?
5. Reimburse
6. Isn’t this a scam?
7. Why not just change the date? This is so disappointing
8. Scam
9. This is so dumbfounding
10. Are they insane?