(Report from Yonghap News)

(Report fron KNN News)
They appeared in the news

They appeared in news articles

“”We even bought a coffee truck” Samsung is displeased… idols who showed off their ‘iPhones’ as soon as their contract ended”

Even Samsung made their discontentment public
original post: here
1. Do they really think they will get a CF contract from Appleㅋㅋㅋ
2. They are from HYBE too? Crazyㅋㅋ
3. It’s not just because Samsung is rich, but that kind of behavior would be extremely disrespectful to anyone, as a person to another person.
4. Just why the heck would they do this. I’m curious because I don’t get it… Seriously, can someone go to them and ask them why they did that?
5. It’s not just Samsung. Do they know how fast the news travel? Do they think that any other brand or sponsor will use them? Although they are nobodies so it’s not like anyone would contact themㅋㅋㅋ
6. Imagine doing this in Samsung’s country… Even Zico who uses a Samsung would be mad
7. And that’s how these nobodies got their names knownㅋㅋㅋ
8. They won’t get any CFs anymore. Who would trust themㅋ
9. Let’s think before we act
10. The fans should be sending trucks and do a protest in front of Apple if they want them to have a CF contractㅋㅋㅋ
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