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However, the CCTV footage released by JTBC and Yonhap TV did not show Suga.
On Thursday, Dong-A Ilbo reported that Suga dined and drank with acquaintances at a restaurant near Hannam-o Street in Yongsan-gu, Seoul, at 9 p.m. on June 6, then went to a private workshop nearby to drink, and returned home at 11 p.m. on an electric scooter that was in the workshop. The workshop was located about 500 meters away from Suga’s home in Nine Wonnam. 
TV Chosun also released CCTV footage of Suga’s movements obtained by police that day. Suga was riding an electric scooter on the sidewalk in front of the main entrance of his Nine Won Nam residence when he lost his balance and fell while turning left inside the entrance. He was approached by police who found him picking up his helmet, which had come off, and he was field sobriety tested. 
After the CCTV footage was released, Suga was cleared of any false accusations. The misunderstanding was cleared up on several fronts, from the type of scooter he was riding to the distance he traveled and the nature of the accident.
The e-scooter that Suga was riding was not a motorcycle-like scooter, but rather a scooter with a saddle, which was different from the e-scooter that some broadcasters had shown in their footage, leading some to believe that Suga might have thought it was a scooter. 
In addition, the CCTV footage released on the day of the incident showed Suga traveling 1.5 kilometers in the opposite direction from her home on a driveway, hitting a curb and falling, rather than falling alone.
This is consistent with the apology issued by her agency and Suga. 
However, Suga reportedly told police that he complained of knee pain and that he “drank a beer and drove for a while.” A breathalyzer test showed that Suga’s blood alcohol content was 0.227%, well above the 0.08% threshold for license revocation, so it’s hard to argue that he had “one beer”. Of course, there have been a number of misreported incidents since Suga’s DUI, so it’s worth checking whether Suga’s statement that he had “one beer” is accurate. It doesn’t change the fact that he was driving drunk, but if he didn’t say “one beer,” then he didn’t make a false statement. 
While the fact that he was driving drunk and riding an e-scooter on the sidewalk is 100% wrong, it’s probably best to stop criticizing Suga for making a false statement at this point.
original post: here
1. Low-HYBE, stop with the media play
2. What the hell is an “upgraded kickboard”?… whatever, it was DUI
3. “Upgraded kickboard”ㅋㅋㅋ the shielding is hilarious. You can’t even ride a kickboard
4. It did look like an electric scooter, but still, there are already so many accidents caused by electric scooters. How could he ride that on the sidewalk, especially while being completely drunk?
5. But that was indeed a scooter
6. Just because it was an electric scooter doesn’t mean driving under the influence while completely drunk didn’t happen, especially on a sidewalk with pedestrians. It’s pure luck that no one got hurt. They should hurry up and announce his departure from the group.
7. They’re actually relieved that he was driving slowly? This is a complete joke. Their brains must be empty
8. What a load of bullsh*t
9. Wow the fans are fascinating, they are still shielding himㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ I would’ve been so embarrassed that I’d leave the fandom
10. HYBE-yah, we’re tired of the media play

Have you guys seen the new article?
He drove a scooter on the sidewalk while completely drunk? Seriously, that’s insane…? 
Even if a regular person did that, people would say they’ve lost it, but a top-tier idol from BTS did this???
ARMYs, can you really keep defending this..?
“‘Driving while intoxicated’ Driving an electric scooter on the sidewalk, crashing into the curb… CCTV footage released.”

post response:
original post: here
1. [+495, -16]
It was really attempted murder
2. [+443, -11]
His apology letter turned out to be a lie after the CCTV footage was released. You can see someone walking ahead in the video. If he hadn’t hit the curb, he could have seriously hit someone for real. This is indefensible; he just needs to leave.

3. [+375, -7]

It’s legendary that they even released the CCTV footage of it. He must be f*cking embarrassed…
4. [+317, -11]
How many embarrassing news is he gonna get~
“Suga was the one who drove under the influence… but ARMYs who lost their minds are now leaving hate comments towards Seungkwan, Jennie, and Rose.”

5. [+254, -7]

At this rate, let’s look at his apology again.. it was a post filled with lies

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