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Tzuyu: No but what’s funny is that my height was really 168 cm when I debuted?

– When I was 168 cm tall, people would tell me “yup, you’re 170”

– And when I went to do health checkups last time, I was really 170 cm tall

– So now that I tell others that I’m 170, they would tell me 

– “No you’re 172”
– I’m telling the truth but people don’t believe me

An Yujin (Profile shows 173 cm): People might not believe me but it’s true

– But when I tell people that I’m 173 cm tall,

– Most of them don’t believe me

– I’ll leave it to your imagination
– But I’m 173 cm tall

Jang Wonyoung (Profile shows 173 cm): I’m the same as Yujin unnie

– Did I grow? Am I the same?

– I’m the same

– We’ll leave it to your imagination

– We’ve always said the truth

Doyeon: No but when I tell people that I’me 171, nobody believes me?

– Even the hospital tested me a few times and I was 171

– When do people assume that I’m 173?

– Nobody believes me so that’s why I just say that I’m 173..

Sowon: I’m really 173…..

– Even if I was 180, I’d proudly say that I’m 180 but I’m not so….

– ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ I’m not reducing my height

– Would you believe me if I measured myself in a video….?

– Let’s stop with the controversies…

Sowon: I see a lot of comments these days that I lied about my height

– That I’m taller than the person next to me

– But, everyone

– Why do you think that I’m the one who’s lying about my height???

– ㅎㅎ

– I won’t say too much

1. It’s because they are the short onesㅋㅋㅋ

2. People who lie about their own height always accuse others of doing the sameㅋㅋㅋ why won’t you believe them?

3. I understand that they might look taller because they have good proportions but why be mean and not even believe them when they tell you the truth?

4. Jang Doyeon is usually taller than male celebrities… but she’s 173

(She’s 173.8cm tall and weighs 56.4kg)

5. They look taller because they have good proportions but you shouldn’t accuse them of lying

6. It’s always the short peopleㅋㅋㅋ

7. For real, it’s the men around them that are short

8. For real, I’m also 170 but people always say I’m taller

9. Men aren’t the only ones like thatㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ even women would grit their teeth and say that you’re taller

10. It’s because male celebrities lie so f*cking much about their height that they think that they are lying too