15 Best Korean Glass Skin Products

“If you see this, raise your hand”

“Are you going to work tomorrow?”

“Have you eaten tonight?”

“If you love me, send me a heart <3”

“If you love me send me a heart”

While waiting for the SKZ fan signing event, I saw that Jaejoong’s fans were communicating with him using a sketchbookㅋㅋㅋㅋHe greeted the STAYs first ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ He kept greeting but the glass was so dark that we didn’t even know who it was ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ turns out it was Jaejoong-ssi”

There was even a coffee truck 

1. Congrats on appearing on a music show!!!

2. Wow.. I’m about to tear up… I hope he can endlessly promote now… 

3. When someone drives under the influence and causes harm, it’s essentially destroying a family. There have been many cases like this on the hot posts, but it’s being treated as if it’s nothing serious until now

4. His DUI was treated way too lightly 

5. I can’t believe I can finally see this day ㅜㅜ Fighting!

6. What the, he’s going on Inkigayo????? Jaejoong-ah congrats ㅠㅠㅠㅠ

7. Why did it have to be this timing of all timing?

8. He committed DUI didn’t he?

9. DUI 

10. Congrats!!!!!!!!!