Released in its entirety on September 12th, “Queen Woo” (directed by Jung Se-kyo, written by Lee Byoung-hak, produced by Andmarq Studio, Compass Pictures, CJ ENM Studios and presented by TVING) has garnered an enthusiastic response for its strong characters, compelling story, stunning visuals and meticulous mise-en-scène. The show has ranked #1 for three consecutive weeks in terms of paid subscription growth and is now the second most-watched original series in TVING’s history, behind “Work Later, Drink Now 2”.
Following the series’ release, fans flooded online communities with comments like, “I stayed up all night binge-watching“, “The character development is so well done“, “The relationships between the characters are fascinating” and “The visuals and direction are stunning“, demonstrating the show’s immense popularity.
The distinctive and intense personalities of the characters in “Queen Woo” have captivated viewers. Key performances include Jeon Jong-seo as Woo Hee, who breaks gender norms to carve out her own destiny; Kim Mu-yeol as Eul Pa-so, who dramatically shifts the balance of the chase; and Jeong Yu-mi as Woo Sun, whose relentless pursuit of unachievable desires stands out.
The chase for power between the characters is depicted with thrilling, fast-paced storytelling, set within a 24-hour time frame. The intense power struggle between the queen and the tribes is filled with psychological games, strategic maneuvers and even a touch of romance, making it impossible to look away.
“Queen Woo” masterfully blends its characters, storyline and visual elements, captivating viewers with every episode. It portrays a powerful story of “Queen Woo”, who, by maintaining her reign, carves out her destiny, offering an empowering narrative of a strong, independent woman.
“Queen Woo”, the sensational TVING original series that has redefined the chase action historical genre, is now available for streaming on TVING.
Source: Daum