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But am I the only one who likes it…? It gives her that chilly vibe and I freaking like it

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1. [+44, -1]

That tweet about Summer Sonic 2023 in Japan was so funny when someone said it felt like the temperature dropped by 2 degrees every time Haerin appeared on the big screen, especially with how hot it wasã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹

2. [+35, 0]

Haerin kinda has that chilly vibe that’s similar to the lead character of The Silenced + cool beauty. I like her vibe

3. [+33, -4]

I don’t understand why people were hating on Haerin for wearing lenses. She looks like a baby cat with big lenses and she looks coolly pretty when she has smaller irises so I like her better like this. She’s pretty in everything

4. [+32, -1]

She looks way prettier than when she has bigger lenses. Nowadays, I feel like people with big lenses makes them look countrified so this looks way better on her and she looks more refined

5. [+28, 0]

Because of her smaller lenses, you can tell that she’s a cold beauty right away