Suzy’s Instagram ‘Oh my, thank you to our Jennie’

Jennie: “Cheering on my pretty Suzy unnie and all the actors and staff of ‘All Your Wishes Will Come True’!”
1. Hul, our Jennie ㅜ
2. I support this friendship
3. Please give me two-shot
4. Hul, Suzy and Jennie are best friends
5. Wow, why are the two of them so close? Daebak ㅋㅋ
6. It’s a friendship that makes me feel so amazing… Please give me two-shot
7. This friendship is so good!!!
8. How did they become friends?!!!!!!!!!!!!
9. Daebak, they are my favorite female idols
10. So cuteㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ I think Suzy will find Jennie cute
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