Set to premiere in January 2025, “Motel California” is MBC’s new Friday-Saturday drama. The story revolves around a woman born and raised in a countryside motel who reunites with her first love 12 years after fleeing her hometown. This “first love remodeling romance” is based on Sim Yoon-seo’s popular 2019 novel “Home, Bitter Home”.
The drama stars Lee Se-young (Ji Kang-hee), known for her flawless romantic performances in “The Red Sleeve” and “The Story of Park’s Marriage Contract”, and Na In-woo (Chun Yeon Soo), who charmed audiences with works like “River Where the Moon Rises” and “Marry My Husband”. Their new pairing has already garnered much anticipation.
Recently, “Motel California” unveiled stills of Lee Se-young as Ji Kang-hee, grabbing attention. Ji Kang-hee is an interior designer who grew up under unusual circumstances in a countryside motel. Born of mixed heritage, she endured a difficult life before running away on New Year’s Day at age 20 and surviving 12 tough years in Seoul. Despite lacking academic credentials or a privileged background, Kang-hee excels in her profession, showing resilience and charm. She embodies a bittersweet youth with emotional scars hidden beneath her tough exterior while also wielding irresistible allure over the pure-hearted Yeon-soo, played by Na In-woo.
In the released stills, Lee Se-young’s beauty is impossible to overlook. Her clear hazel eyes and light brown hair shift hues under moonlight and sunlight, amplifying her mysterious charm. Her bohemian-inspired casual styling further highlights the free-spirited nature of her character, Ji Kang-hee.
Beneath her lovely appearance lies a subtle blend of elegance and sharp charisma, creating a striking impression. Known for her graceful and pure image that earned her the nickname “Living Watercolor,” Lee Se-young’s transformation in this role is unmistakable. Viewers eagerly anticipate how she will bring this fresh and unique character to life.
The production team of “Motel California” commented, “MBC’s undefeated queen of romance, Lee Se-young, is back with a first-love story. Not only has she undergone a bold visual transformation, but she’s also delivering a nuanced performance that perfectly captures Ji Kang-hee’s detailed emotions and bittersweet charm. We ask for your support and interest in “Motel California”, which will be MBC’s first romance drama of 2025.”
“Motel California” is scheduled to air in January 2025.
Source: Daum